FilterAll TopicsThe Southern HighlandsThe HouseSurroundsNatureEventsEntertainmentCultureDiningFood & DrinkWelcome to Nattai Lodge Blog Four - Beautiful gardens in the NSW Southern HighlandsI remember seeing this quote once, "The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies!" And how true a quote it is! I've had a passion for gardening since I was a kid. I…July 11, 2021Blog Three - In search of the best lunch venue in the NSW Southern Highlands!June 26, 2021Blog Two - New Additions to Nattai Lodge!June 12, 2021Blog One - We're moving to the NSW Southern Highlands!June 11, 2021Make a BookingNattai LodgeBook the LodgeThe CottageBook the CottageNattai Lodge & The CottageBook The Lodge & The Cottage